It’s a War Zone of Playing Cards
I don’t understand those people who don’t even try.
You enter a situation — whether it’s a class, a new friendship, or perhaps a relationship — you don’t enter something without knowing the consequences. You know all the possibilities that might happen even before you step in.
You don’t go to a war zone and tell your comrade or partner that you don’t want to fight just because you already feel like you’re going to lose the battle. You don’t tell them that you want to stay in your trench just because you’re scared of taking the risk of advancing on the enemies. You will try to fire your rifle even if you know that, in the end, you might end up getting hurt and losing the battle. That’s life. That’s how we play with destiny.
I am not a person who would enter something and just leave the situation when everything is already complicated without me trying to do something or taking a risk. I always fight for what I want, especially if I have already invested my own feelings and time. I do everything for what I believe in. And if things don’t go my way, that’s the only time I will stop. If there’s a 95% chance of failing, I’m willing to bet the remaining 5%, even if it will hurt me eventually. What if I win? Who knows? You don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t care if I win or lose. At least, I tried.
This is not about taking a risk? Then, how do you get things you want so badly if you’re not willing to take any risks? Does life offer you a free pass?
Pain is a part of life, and it’s boring to live without feeling pain. I don’t play safe. You play to win. You play to experience failure so you can learn. I’m playing one of my cards now, and there’s no backing up. I’ll stop if I lose. You’re scared? It is supposed to scare you because this world is full of uncertainties. It’s unpredictable. We don’t meet people just by coincidence. We meet people because destiny is playing its cards on you, and you should too.
You’re scared to get hurt again?
It’s a different card for every game. You don’t even know what card you are getting for this round. You should get scared if you’re holding the same card in the same game for another round.